Our work
Feel Real
Topdeck provides authentic, enriching travel experiences that enable curious young travellers to discover their real selves and feel liberated on a range of life-changing worldwide trips. A leader in group travel, Topdeckers from around the world enjoy a travel experience led by fun, local trip leaders with the opportunity to travel with and meet likeminded individuals. Diffusion’s brief covers both the UK and US markets, to continue to build awareness and differentiate Topdeck in a crowded field and drive direct bookings.
Insight & Idea
Topdeck and Diffusion’s insights work highlighted that many young people feel modern life places unrealistic expectations on them to conform to societal ideals and stereotypes. Pressure that is compounded by social media, with the mundane routine of everyday life further restricting their self-expression. We were tasked to bring to life Topdeck’s new mission – ‘Feel Real’ – creating travel experiences that give young people the safety and freedom to discover, to feel connected and to simply be themselves.
Impact & Action
An international campaign has been implemented to communicate the Topdeck message and proposition. Enabling journalists, bloggers and influencers, that resonate with our Gen Z and Millennial audiences, to experience a Topdeck trip first-hand has been central to our campaign. We have organised a series of group trips to key Topdeck destinations including Australia, Bali, Miami, Ibiza and Croatia. Brand partnerships with the likes of MTV have enabled us to connect with our target audience via a joint brand push that aligned to Topdeck’s sales strategy, pushing branded content across social and digital channels.
This has all been supported with an ongoing thought-leadership programme focussed on the issues underpinning Feel Real and making Topdeck part of a wider cultural discussion across consumer and lifestyle media.

The Metrics