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WorldRemit: Back to school

Parents do their best to provide their children with everything they need for the new school year, from stationary, to clothing and essentials like lunchboxes and water bottles. But with inflation heavily impacting the cost of, well, everything, sending your child back to school is becoming ever more more costly for parents in the UK.

Diffusion was tasked with shining a light on WorldRemit’s international network of customers who are not only facing increased costs of education for their children, but also have continued commitments to send remittance to friends and family overseas, against the backdrop of an economic crisis.


Insight & Idea

As the back-to-school season was fast approaching, a study was conducted, comparing the average cost of basic educational needs with average annual incomes and fertility rates, to determine the season’s financial impact on families in the UK. It found that the average cost in 2022 for items such as school uniform, stationary and other daily essentials was an 8.5% increase from 2021’s total.

These results were used to target key consumer finance writers at the UK’s key nationals to create a timely news story, with Diffusion extracting specific figures and distributing exclusively to various key contacts for maximum impact.

They were coupled with findings from Diffusion and WorldRemit’s previous cost of living data, and complemented by expert guidance from WorldRemit’s key spokespeople on how to teach children about money, in order to create long term financial health for British families now and into the future.

Impact & Action

The campaign launched with exclusives in The Mirror, This is Money and Mail on Sunday, followed by nationwide blanket coverage in key regionals and expat publications, such as Manchester Evening News, Newcastle Chronicle and Birmingham Mail.

The Metrics

Pieces of launch coverage secured
Total campaign reach
Pieces of national coverage secured
Positive sentiment
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