
10,000 Black Interns: What I learned at Diffusion…


Diffusion has been proud to support the 10,000 Black Interns Foundation for the past three years, and below one of our talented 2024 intake Emmanuel Abass, shares his experiences from his six-week paid internship at Diffusion’s London office.  


Five surprising truths about interning at a PR agency

Stepping into the world of PR as an intern is like being handed the keys to a fast-paced, creative, and often unpredictable universe. I definitely had some expectations – grabbing coffee for the team, listening in on meetings, and learning the basics – but what shocked me was how much more I learnt and how genuinely transformative my internship experience has been. ­­

As an intern with the 10,000 Black Interns programme, I haven’t just been observing from the sidelines; I’ve actively contributed to real projects, honed my skills, and have become more adaptable and proactive. These are five surprising truths I have learned about being an intern in a PR agency during my time at Diffusion.


  1. Your voice as an intern matters more than you might expect

One of the biggest surprises I have encountered during my internship was just how much my voice mattered at Diffusion. The stereotype tends to be that interns are on the sidelines, observing and learning but rarely contributing in a meaningful way. That couldn’t be further from the truth in my experience.

Take, for example, a brainstorming session I attended for a global Diffusion client doing good with the power of Ai. From the moment I joined the meeting, I was encouraged to share my ideas just like everyone else. There was no sense of hierarchy – my thoughts and suggestions were taken seriously, and it was clear that my contributions were valued as much as those of more seasoned team members. I felt like a true part of the team.

Throughout my internship, if there was something specific I was passionate about or an area I wanted to explore more deeply, I was given the freedom to pursue it. This level of inclusion and respect made my internship far more than just a learning experience – it was an opportunity to actively contribute and shape the work we were doing for our clients. It’s an incredible feeling to know that, even as an intern, your voice can have an impact.


  1. Expect to become a jack of all trades

When I first began my internship, tasks such as learning how to structure a media announcement, developing a pitch to media, and coverage analysis were entirely new to me, and the learning curve felt steep. However, one of the most surprising aspects of this experience has been how quickly you can adjust to tasks that can initially seem daunting. What once felt unfamiliar, such as identifying stories or tracking media coverage, soon became part of my regular routine.

I also found myself becoming more adept at balancing multiple responsibilities. In a setting where there is always something to be done, the ability to adapt and manage different tasks efficiently is essential. By the end of my internship, I had transitioned from feeling uncertain about my abilities to confidently handling a wide array of responsibilities.


  1. Networking isn’t just for clients, it’s for you, too

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned during my internship is the importance of networking, not for just advancing client interests, but for your own professional growth. I had the opportunity to attend the Pros Awards 2024 and initially the idea of networking felt intimidating, especially as an intern surrounded by seasoned professionals. However, it quickly became apparent just how crucial these connections are. In a sector as people-focused as PR, who you know can sometimes be just as important as what you know. By putting yourself out there and making connections, you’re not just building a network, you’re setting the stage for future opportunities and growth. Trust me, it’s worth the effort.


  1. The real work sometimes happens behind the scenes

Early on in my internship, I realised that a lot of the true impact in PR often stems from the behind-the-scenes efforts. While it’s tempting to focus solely on the big moments: successful campaigns, media coverage, and client accolades, it’s the meticulous work done quietly in the background that brings those moments to life.

Take media pitching and press releases, for example. Crafting the perfect pitch or writing a compelling press release isn’t just about throwing together some words and hitting send. I observed how it involves careful planning, understanding the story, and tailoring the message to resonate with the right media audience. This behind-the-scenes work is what ultimately grabs the attention of journalists and drives coverage.


  1. PR pros are their clients’ eyes and ears

One of the biggest surprises for me during this internship was learning just how crucial it is to be across the media agenda and any new trend or story that arises. Being your client’s eyes and ears means constantly scanning for opportunities and potential issues long before they even hit the mainstream. This proactive mindset has been one of the most valuable lessons of my internship. It’s a reminder that in PR, your role isn’t just about reactively responding to what happens, but actively shaping the narrative and keeping your client’s interests front and centre.