
Vinturas onboards Diffusion for global brief


Following a competitive pitch process, Vinturas has appointed Diffusion to help raise awareness of its logistics technology to IT, supply chain and business decision makers.

From global shock events to geopolitical uncertainty, supply chains are in a state of permacrisis like never before. But supply chains often operate in silos, making it difficult to manage and address issues – from cybercrime and fraud, to lost goods. Vinturas is a global supply chain collaboration network which plugs deep into enterprise supply chain ecosystems. It helps connect the dots between parties to deliver interoperability, improving transparency, traceability and security of goods being transported.

Vinturas has built up a strong track record helping some of the world’s biggest automotive firms run their supply chains faster and more efficiently. Diffusion will continue to promote the important work that Vinturas is doing within the automotive industry, while also promoting the technology to other sectors including retail, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage and consumer packaged goods.

Diffusion’s campaign will focus on developing content for Vinturas which engages with global businesses on how supply chain issues can be better managed, while humanising the narrative and showing the real-life ‘pain points’ that those managing the supply chain face, and how technology can help them. The campaign will include a robust B2B thought leadership press office supported by data-led news and issues hijacking, and the Diffusion team will also work to amplify Vinturas’ presence at industry events and awards.

Marketing Manager at Vinturas, comments: “We wanted to find a PR partner that not only understands our technology, but who also has the creativity to elevate our solution to a global business audience through excellent media contacts and carefully crafted storylines. Diffusion brings a smart and creative data-driven approach to PR alongside a strategic vision which was perfectly aligned to our business goals. We’re also scaling rapidly and needed an agency who could grow with us and amplify campaigns across the US and Europe, which made Diffusion a great fit.”

Ivana Farthing, Managing Director, UK, comments: “There is nothing better than working with a company that is tackling real-world issues which are at the forefront of the news agenda, and Vinturas is doing just that. We pride ourselves on taking a consumer-led approach to B2B PR, which is what a company like Vinturas needs to put it firmly on the map with target customers – from the C-Level to IT suite. Vinturas is providing its customers with actionable supply chain data in a way the industry hasn’t seen before, and this is certainly something we’ll be using through a very issues-led campaign which will reach Vinturas’ customers at the most critical points.”